Our organization got its start when our founder realized that we could better serve the community of Korean American parents in New Jersey. Through the years, Educate Together has expanded its efforts to serve as a bridge connecting the greater Korean American community and promoting multicultural understanding through education.
Feb: Coordinate “Visit Korea”- SOUTH BRONX ACADEMY FOR APPLIED
MEDIA/MS 296 The Melrose School/PS/MS 29X
Nov: The 2nd Korean American Immigration Timeline Exhibition
Nov: The 3rd Korean American School Board Luncheon
Dec: The 1st Korean American Immigration Timeline Exhibition
Apr: "Adding Asian American Curriculum to School Districts" Seminar
Apr: The 1st Korean American School Boards Luncheon
Dec: The 2nd Korean American School Boards Luncheon
Peak Education Center resumes in-person classes - Fall, Spring semesters
Mar: Peak Education Center Online Class during Pandemic
Jan: Peak Education Center all year round program
July: JEWEL ‘US School Administrators Visiting Korea’
July: JEWEL ‘US Korean class students Visiting Korea’
Jan: Peak Education Center all year round program
July: JEWEL ‘US School Administrators Visiting Korea’
July: JEWEL ‘US Korean class students Visiting Korea’
Jan: Peak Education Center all year round program
July: JEWEL ‘US School Administrators Visiting Korea’
Apr: Open ‘Peak Education Center’ in Closter, NJ
Sep: ‘Ganadara Korean School’ Fall Semester
Aug: Running Bomulsum Summer Program
July: Running Bomulsum Summer Program
Apr: 4th Confidence & Vision, Leadership camp
Feb: Afterschool Coding Class
Feb: ‘Ganadara Korean School’ Spring Semester
Oct: Open ‘GANADARA Korean School’
Oct: Win Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention in Writing Competition
Oct: Win Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention in Translation Competition
Mar: Open ‘EUNOIA Me’ museum education program
Oct: Afterschool Coding Class
July: Afterschool Coding Class
June: Docu-Seminar Part 1(EBS Documentary & Kay Kim)
May: Docu-Seminar Part 2(EBS Documentary & Kay Kim)
Mar: TADA Education in Theater Workshop
Feb: TADA Education in Theater Workshop
Dec: Kyunggi Educational Dept. Overseas Training
Oct: Host “Lifelong Education Benchmark Tour’ by Korean Universities
Sep: Host ’Teacher’s Union study for the group of 16 Korea provinces’
June: Host ‘American Schools with the principals of Kyunggi Ed. Dept
Aug: Host ‘Visiting US Schools with Superintendents from Ed. Dept.
July: Host ‘US School’s teacher hiring system with Jeonbuk Ed. Dept.
Jan: Project TNLE (Seoul Korean English Teachers Overseas Study)
Jan: Project TNLE (Seoul Korean English Teachers Overseas Study)
Nov: Workshop “College Financial Aid Planning”
Oct: Workshop ‘Look Ahead! College Admissions’
May: Seminar ‘Mom to Mom”
Mar: Spring Semester Educational Seminar
Feb: Project TNLE (Seoul Korean English Teachers Overseas Study)
May: Parent’s Book Club with Hyunju Kim
Feb: Project TLNE (Seoul Korean English Teachers Overseas Study)
Nov: 3rd Confidence & Leadership Camp
Sep: Anniversary Educational Seminar
May: Project ‘Learning Korean history with my mom’ (Chanmi Park)
Mar: Educational Seminar (Speaker: Kay Kim)
Nov: 2nd Confidence & Leadership Camp with TADA
Sep: Anniversary Educational Seminar (Speaker: Kay Kim & others)
June: Educational Seminar
May: Educational Seminar
Feb: Educational Seminar
Dec: Educational Seminar (Speaker: Kay Kim)
Nov: First Confidence & Leadership Camp (with Paul Lee)
Oct: 4 week Educational Seminar (Speaker: Kay Kim)
Sep: 10 Week Opening Seminar (Speaker: Kay Kim)